1st Lecture
Date: 11th July 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory
Before stepping into the computer lab, I was pondering in anxiety what exactly this “TECHNOLOGY” course was all about. Honestly and unfortunately, I am technologically challenged. The idea of attending this technology course had dawned upon me that there was an extremely high possibility that I would be a lost sheep throughout the course. All this while, I would constantly keep myself a hundred miles away from all technology inventions (especially the computer) whenever possible unless I am perpetually forced to utilize them. My computer knowledge and skills was shockingly shallow that I could only read what is on the screen and type the keys on the keyboard. Of course moving and clicking the mouse was another technology mission that I could perform. How pathetic!
As I was seated in the lab, Dr Maznah Hussian appeared. She began to introduce the course and I was there listening attentively and anxiously how terrifying this course would be. Amazingly, my affective filter was tremendously lowered down by Dr Maznah’s placid nature and sincere approach. I wonder how she has the ability to lead me feel safe and release me from my anxiousness.
She started off with her lecture by requiring us to write blogs. Blogs written will be assessed. The term “blog” seemed so unfamiliar to me as I had never posted a blog before. After hearing from my course mates views on blogging, I somehow got the idea what it was all about. (And I am now happily in the process of producing my 1st blog in my life…..hohohoho)
The question posed by Dr Maznah was:
Why Blog?
Answers given by us were:
v To advertise product
v To hint / tell something
v To express feelings
v To publish stories and poems for free
v To gossip
v To record experience
v To do self reflection
v To voice out opinion
For me,
Why do I need to write blogs in this course?
v To recall the input given
v To share knowledge with others
v To comment on others’ view
v To improve my computer literacy
And I hope
v To have some fun too
Then Dr Maznah started to lead us (teachers-to-be) to recognize the significance of technology in primary education. I understood that she was attempting to convince us to utilize the technology equipments provided in schools usefully and widely in the teaching and learning process in future.
The benefits of technology in primary education were discussed:
§ Enhance teaching and learning
§ Real
§ Creative
§ Innovative
§ Fun and interesting
§ Make life easier
§ Go beyond classroom
§ New discovery
§ Diversity
§ Improve knowledge and skills in technology
§ Get updated information
Moreover, by manipulating technology in the primary education, pupils’ soft skills can be extensively developed which include:
1. communication
2. leadership
3. teamwork
4. critical thinking
5. creativity
6. entrepreneurship
Entering this stage of the lecture, indeed it sounded convincing that we- teachers need to acquire the knowledge and technology skills so as to educate our pupils in future. However, by possessing the fundamental skills would never be sufficient to lead the pupils to learn better via technology. A question emerged- “How are we supposed to engage them in the learning process through technology?”
Dr Maznah aptly introduced us her power point presentation on “PLEASE” which is to
P ersonalized
L earning
E nvironment
A nd
S tudent’s
E ngagement
In my humble opinion, their learning environment should be designed and prepared in such a way that is conducive for learning. Pupils in the primary education should be provided sufficient and equal opportunities and resources in the technology learning process. Each pupil’s individual characteristics, learning preferences and motivation are necessary to be identified before the lesson using technology can be implemented. Knowing and putting this into practice can assist the teachers to easily lead their pupils to be engaged in the learning process, with the object of study and with the context of the subject of study (This was also what I understood about the meaning of PLEASE.)
All in all, it is never an easy task to change the teachers’, the parents’ and the society’s mindset that teaching using technology is effective especially for those who are not computer literate and have little exposure to technology. We had discussed “What is the most difficult thing to change in school?” Bureaucracy, rules, culture, budget, traditions, mindset, environment and budget were brought up. Personally, talking in term of using technology in the teaching and learning process in the primary education, it is the teachers’ mindset that is difficult to change. Many teachers find it troublesome to attend technology courses, implementing technology in the learning process and utilizing the technology gadgets.
Why they are so afraid to change?
§ Technology is unfamiliar to them
§ They do not want to expose themselves to things that are new and need time to learn.
§ They do not find it necessary.
§ They are afraid that they might not be as competent as before and also with other technologically more advanced teachers.
§ They want to be at the comfortable zone and in control of their lesson.
All these “barriers” have hindered them to change, accept and acquire the new technology exposed to them which is beneficial to the teaching and learning process.
Looking from another perspective, if all teachers are willing to undergo this on-going learning professional development process while allowing technology to take part in their teaching, I think it is possible for us- teachers to make a greater difference in the education field. The society needs to see the optimum results of the use of technology in education to be convinced that it is an effective and essential approach in learning. Therefore, teachers are the ones that ought to take the first step out of their static position and move forward and progressively in this technology era.
Stepping out of the computer lab, I had abandoned my negative views on technology and looking forward positively to my next lecture. I hope I could gain and master as much knowledge and skills as possible throughout this course so that I could be professionally equipped to offer my input technologically to my pupils in future.
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