Date: 1st August 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory
Initially, we started off of our 3 hours journey to the "technology wonderland" with 2 wonderful tour guides- Prof Dr Maznah Hussain & Miss Chin.
In the first session, we were given the website below to check out the blogs that were posted by our respected seniors. Miss Chin noted that we might be able to grasp a better idea on blogging.
After browsing through their blogs randomly, some of them had produced high content- based blogs but some were just too brief. Any way, I believe it is better and safer for us to learn from the experienced by taking their strengths as well as weaknesses into consideration. We shall not merely learn from success but flaws and mistakes. We were so fortunate to have our seniors' blogs as guidance and reference.
In the second session, here came Prof Dr Maznah Hussain to take the lead explaining to us her experience at SMJK Datuk Ahmad Badawai in Penang. This was indeed a discovery for me as I never knew that there were schools out there to enjoy such privilege that was to be in the pilot test on 1:1 computer lab. 40 personal computers (CMPC-MY CLASSMATE PC) with additional 1 smartboard were provided ensuring that the teaching and learning processes were carried out using ICT. No doubt, the government was consistently implementing the ICT programmes at schools and feedbacks of its effectiveness were expected via this pilot test. Positive or negative feedbacks? Well, according to Prof Maznah, "problems! problems! problems!" were brought up by the teachers. Refering to this case, our Prof believed that to reduce the problems, the teachers should stand up and take an active role in the ICT programmes. Their attitude and knowledge are pertinent to make a difference.
"You have got a BMW 5 Series but with no driving license; how are you supposed to drive?"
What I meant here was the BMW was the ICT facilities given yet only with the positive mindset and technology skills of teachers ( the license) will help to bring ICT programme a success in the education field.
"Anything is considered useless unless it is used usefully."
In fact, I perceived that not only the teachers need to be changed and upgraded but the government has to take practical actions on the maintenance work. I understood that many schools outside do possess a computer lab and internet access. However, many of the computers were not functioning properly and this had actually hindered the teachers to conduct their lessons there. Shockingly, the computers can be left untouched for the rest of the year without any repair services given. I believe it is not a matter of budget since the government had allocated millions and millions of ringgits in this project. "You bought yourself a bungalow but not willing to buy yourself a bed to sleep comfortably there?" It is impossible right?
We moved on to the next session where Miss Chin took charge again.
A powerpoint presentation regarding Chapter 1 by Brennan on ICT and the learning principles of primary school curriculum was summarized and explained.
Basically it was about using ICT in teaching and learning may be approached in the three ways below and the 14 principles of learning ICT in the primary school curriculum:
- learning through ICT
- learning with ICT
- learning about ICT
In short, this chapter exposed us about how ICT can assist learner in their learning process. Through ICT , learners can be developed multidimensionally- intellectually, technologically, aesthetically, socially, linguistically & emotionally.
For further and more detail information please read Brennan- Chapter 1.
During this discussion, a question was brought up on e-portfolio. Basically I did recognize what an e-portfolio is meant for, such as to keep a collection of learner's work, see how they progress, allow learners to share their knowledge or improve their technology skills and etc. However, I was somewhow confused what an e-portfolio is. Knowing that my cousemates were so actively participating in the forum posted about e-portfolio, I brought up my doubts in the discussion. Participants were all listing the benefits and disadvantages about it but none touched on the general guidelines on how to create an e-portfolio and the expected content.
Fortunately, my confusion caught Miss Ng's attention. She promised to answer my questions in her blog soon. Eagerly looking forward to her response.
For those who did not notice the existence of my confusion in the forum, these were the questions posed:
1) Is it simply tasksheets completed using the computer and uploaded to your "website" where your e-portfolio is located?
2) Is it what we are doing every week- blog and blog and blog? The blogs that actually share your knowledge ( doing an output session)? Blogs considered as content of e-portfolio?
3) Are the learners allow to write their personal experiences, encounters and feelings in their e-portfolio (like diary) which are not relevant to the teaching- learning process?
4) How do we create e-portfolios and what are the expected content and responses from the learners to be kept in their e-portfolio?
5) Is e-portfolio being used in the Malaysian schools? I wonder......(never heard of it actually)
Well, a good friend of mine, Sze Mei did mentioned about her doubts on e-portfolio in the her blog which were somehow similar to mine. Miss Ng had briefly cleared some of her clouds and mine were partly cleared too after reading her comment given in Sze Mei's blog.
Generally, the answer "YES" was given to all questions above.
However, there is still a stubborn doubt that refused to leave my mind......
Do you think that e-portfolio should be set specific rules in terms of content? For me, especially for educational e-portfolio, it should be restricted to some kind of academic content rather than allowing our young learners to simply write irrelevant details, nonsense or morally degrading topics and uploaded to their e-portfolios since the products can be viewed by the public. Young children are the "sheep" and we- TEACHERS are the shepherd. We should not allow our sheep to roam too far away till they could not find their way home. A lost sheep might be in danger in the outside world. It is better for teachers to guide and lead them on the right path, showing them the right way to do things; in this case, presenting their e-portfolios. Do a little of thinking, my readers......
Come to the last session of the day, Miss Chin gave us some websites on PPSMI/ETEMS, e-bahan and MYCD. We were asked to read up and produce a general idea of the projects via powerpoint presentation.
The webistes were:
One more question, regarding e-bahan. I understand that e-bahan is online learning materials but I could not find any examples of e-bahan online because website given was a restricted site. I thought of creating a new account but was not allowed.
If any one of you were able to let me view the exact e-bahan, do write to me.
Thank you.
Sharing is caring.
Possible answer to your questions can be found here:-
Well, yun mun. i have read your blog and even a number of questions that you put up in the forum discussion about e-portfolio. A thought provoking questions i shall say:)
In fact, i have some illuminations on this which i think i would like to share with you.But, currently i am still researching into this topic and perhaps within this two days, i can post it at my blog. Spare with me some time yea friend, sorry for letting you to wait for the response as i was obviously busy for the past few weeks.
A big thank to Miss Ng and Alison.
Thanks for all the information given. It has almost cleared most of my doubts. However, regarding to the content of e-portfolio, I think it all depends on the students' cognitive and mental ability "to set or not set" the content of it. If they are all matured maybe you could try out a boarder scope of writing their entries otherwise better narrow it down to a specific topic so that no irrelevant issues or craps are posted.
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