About Me

Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
I'm an extreme practitioner of narcissism. Being so narcissistic might sound terrifying to most people, but looking from another perspective, people who deeply understand why they love themselves so much would encourage them to find and discover their true self. When we are able to admire the strong qualities in ourselves, our self-worth will be tremendously enhanced. Learning how to appreciate myself allows me to be grateful to what God and my parents have blessed me so far.

Personal Details:

Name: Moo Yong Yun Mun
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Date of birth: 30.01.1985
Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: Undergraduate, Tutor
Schools attended:
1.Sentosa Kindergarten (1988)
2.Catholic Kindergarten (1990-1991)
3.SJK (C) Ketari (1992-1997)
4. SMK Ketari (1998-2002)
5. Taylor's College (2003)
6. Institute Perguruan Ilmu Khas(2003-2007)
7. University of Malaya (2007-)

Activities to kill time

-filling up my bank account
-viewing and feeding kois
-exploiting my poor brains (over thinking)
-harrassing my notebook's keyboard ( completing
assignments, online chatting & blogging)
-hammering the piano and croaking songs
-satisfying people's stomach with tantalizing food
-contributing to the country's economy (shopping n feasting)

Monday, August 27, 2007


7th Lecture
Date: 22nd August 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory


"Pressured! Stress! Tension!"

There is always a time during each semester that we feel pressured most that is when we are expected to complete our major assignment. Though I've sailed through 4 semesters, the mention of "assignment" still terrifies me a lot. It is some kind of abstract pressure that is difficult to be expressed in words. To be frank, all this while we were enjoying ourselves attending lectures. So relaxing! No worries! No stress! Since we are still students, the majority of us constantly have a great tendency to be lazy and procrastinate whenever possible until the "DEADLINE" comes attacking. I shall write it this way:

  1. no compulsion

  2. no commands

  3. no pressure

  4. no strictness

  5. no expectation

Our Prof. is so smart to have reminded us (actually indirectly pressured us) on

  • our deadline of assignment

  • expected number of blogs written

  • active participation in the forum.
Prof. Maznah is expecting us to have posted at least 5 blogs by the end of 7th week of the semester. She informed us that there will be an on going assessment to evaluate our blogs. Eventually, we should have at least 10 academic blogs posted when the semester ends. Did I mention "academic blogs"? Yes. Only academic blogs are assessed. This allows me to recall on my doubts about e-portfolio" where I personally think that there should be a certain restricted framework or requirements to be followed in terms of the content of e-portfolio. I think my opinion is valid since we-undergraduates follow the rules so as the primary school kids. What I mean here is since we are doing this for academic purposes so hopefully all of us will make our blogs appear to be more academic-like.

Talking about the issue on visiting others' blogs and giving comments, Prof. Maznah encourages us to take more time reading others' blog and give constructive feedbacks or comments in order to support and assist each other in this course. However, I feel that it really takes me a lot of time scanning through all the blogs. I felt dizzy after reading a few long blogs. After all, the content is almost similar among us and that sort of like bored me. Well, I pity Prof. that she has to read all of our blogs. I was able to give some comments on my coursemates' blogs and I sincerely thank those who have constructively and encouragingly dropped a few words of comments in my blogs. Some of them did share their knowledge on e-portfolio by giving me the relevant websites as reference. Besides that, we were asked to participate actively in the forum. For me, I did take part in almost all the discussions posted by giving a pinch of my thoughts and humble opinions. After Prof. required us to give full participation there, I could see many of us starting to fill up the forum by either anwering the questions and posting questions.

Indeed, forum is a place where we could interact and share our opinions. However, I think that to those who have initially posted the questions to start a discussion should constantly give feedbacks and responses to those of us who have spent time anwering or giving opinions in the forum. Otherwise, it is hard to make the discussion fruitful and on going. For instance, you have stated your stand and opinions in the forum but somehow no one out there seemed to have noticed the existence of your opinion. You become so uncertain whether you are giving logic and relevant information. Everyone becomes so indulged in giving their opinion for the sake of having "active participation". I found that some who posted the questions have disappeared in the forum from there onwards. They didn't even drop a word or two during the process of discussion. I wonder are we there to make ourselves noticed and significant or we are there to share and learn from each other?

Morever, we were advised by Prof. not to complain so much since we are teachers that should possess the patience and determination to teach in nature. Err...if it is not nature...nurture will do. As long as we have the expected qualities of a teacher. It seems that we have encountered some difficulties in learning and using ICT and we doubt the effectiveness of the implementation of ICT in schools and there goes the complaints and grumblings. I believe that professional development is taken into consideration here. Teacher should constantly and willingly to develop and ungrade ourselves whenever possible to as to ensure that our learners will get the best out of us. It will be the same case in terms of using ICT, we should try our very best to master the usage of ICT and implement it in schools. We should always keep this in mind:


However, looking from another perspective, what if there are teachers who are not-so-capable in manipulating ICT but very good at using other teaching method like "chalk and talk", giving hands-on experience, demonstration method or drilling methods? Are they still being categorized to be "ineffective" teachers in this modern era? We are all aware of the multiple intelligence that is believed to be something innate in human beings. Is it possible to have teachers who are techno dummies? Are they supposed to be blamed of lack of proficiency?
I personally think that we teachers cater to our students' learning needs and who cater our teaching needs? Therefore, I feel that teachers should be given freedom to use any methods that they think is most effective to them. They can use this teaching strategy as often as possible but should bare in mind that teachers need to diversify their teaching methods too. Therefore, at times they could also attempt on other methods (which might be not-so-familiar) to them to avoid the learners from getting bored with the similar teaching strategies for the past 6 years.

As a matter of fact, there is no stict rule to ONLY use ICT in teaching in this era but a variety of teaching methods should be implemented in the classroom and no doubt ICT is one of them.

Here comes the most important part of the lecture when we are clearly informed about our major assignment of this semester. Basically, we are required to design teaching and learning activities via smartboard in the primary school. We are expected to :

-create at least 5 slides of different activities for each group member

-give clear instructions

-create activities that contain of topic, prior knowledge, objective or learning outcome and guidelines for each activity.

-rationale that is justified by teaching and learning theories

Here are some of our senior's sample work on the guidelines and requirements of the expected product in our assignment.

1. Standard form (Left)
2. Guidelines (Right)
There are various of interesting and effective activities that can be designed via IWB to be implemented in the primary school classroom. Here are some examples shown:

1. Story telling teaching content.
Sze Mei- our coursemate was selected to tell a story (red riding hood) while eliciting responses from us (as learners). The pictures were very clear and colourful but the font of the dialogue was rather small and does not stand up in black with the background. There was a video clip inserted in a TV in the grandma's house where it teaches "Plants & Seeds". This really amazed me! It was a Science class actually. This kind of activity can indeed cater to learner's learning styles (visual & audiolingual learners) as they could see and listen to the video in the story telling session. They can also learn the vocabulary (names of plants). Basically, this activity was able to capture the learners' attention as well as effectively transferring the input smoothly and progressively.

2. Matching activity.

Learners can match the correct words or sentences to the pictures or numbers given. Learners can learn to identify meaning easier and they are given the opportunity to answer the questions using the colour pen of the IWB.

3. Grouping activity

Learners are able to learn how to categorize things to their group by drag and drop the correct picture to the correct column provided. Not only pictures can be categorized, words can be done as well like categorizing words to the different part of speech and etc.

4. Fill in the blanks activity

Learners can fill in the answer either by writing it using the pens, typing it using the keyboard function or drag and drop the words provided. This can test the learners' proficiency of the subject as well as improve their spelling and word recognition ability. Listening and writing skills can be assessed as well where learners are asked to fill in the blanks after a particular passage, procedures or story is read to them.

On the other hand, games and video clips can be incorporated in the teaching and learning activities as well. Here are the examples disclosed to us:

1. treasure hunt game 2. educational video clips

1. Games can help learners to learn and practise their knowledge subconsciously. Learners affective filter can be lowered down as they are able to have fun playing the games. Besides, cooperative learning can be develped. They can compete with each other and this helps them to have the motivation to play more and of course learn more. It is an activity that can stir the entire classroom and provide them a fun and exciting environment to engage in learning.

2. Video clip is an activity that settles the learners. The interesting educational video clips not only can capture and prolong their attention span but able to explain a concept clearly and in detail which might be difficult to be conveyed verbally. With the images, actions and dialogues incorporated in the video clips, learners are able to learn faster and better as young learners require concrete objects to understand concepts.

One more interesting feature that the smartboard possesses was, teachers and learners can obtained immediate feedbacks on the activities. Teachers and learners can check the answers in many ways which are shown as below.

Having this feature is very crucial and effective for learners to have progressive and motivating learning. Learners can always learn from their mistakes and classmates' mistakes. Self correction is important where learners can identify their own mistakes and attempt to re-do their answer and eventually obtain the correct answer. This will not intimidate them due to their mistakes but to enhance their confidence when they are able to get the accurate answer.

1. Drag a box to the answer column.
The box with a different colour when placed on the answer column can automatically show the answer which has the same colour font as the background.

2. Drag the box across the column.
When the words is dragged across the column, different colours will show the answers which cannot be seen earlier.

3. Erase the column answer.
When erase the column, the answer hidden will emerge.

4. Correct and wrong answers are placed together with the same colour font.
When the answers are placed on the answer column of diffrent colour the correct or wrong answer will be disclosed.

5. Drag and answer emerged.
When the correct answer is dragged and dropped to a specific column, the correct answer will emerge but the wrong answer will disappear to the "behind"of the column.

Before the lecture ended, all of us have to queue up to register to a smart group recommended by our Prof. so as to upgrade our skills on ICT, grasping more about ICT, learning how to use ICT and implement ICT in the future ICT schools.

The link is http://www.airset.com

Here I would like to wish all the Malaysians "HAPPY MERDEKA DAY!"
Have a wonderful weekend but to all PKEY 3101 teachers-to-be, do not forget about your assignment due on 09/09/07.

Walking out of the laboratory with great anxiety and distress thinking about the "unfamiliar" assignment.

God bless me!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007


6th Lecture
Date: 15 August 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory


It was officially announced to us that we would have surprise in this 3 hour lecture. Undeniably, I was so astonished with the "extreme high tech" of an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). Recalling my days of schooling, we were only exposed to the blackboard, chalk and duster. ( Errr....not black but green) All day long, only different teachers' handwritings were seen on the board. Boring & Lifeless= making us restless

Now, the scenario has changed tremendously.

Generally, learners are exposed to

  • colourful & real not only animated images (from gallery and website)
  • clear type written handwriting
  • hands-on experience using the smartboard
  • no dust
  • no stain or dirt

Teachers are able to

  • reuse the teaching materials throughout one's teaching profession.
  • give clear and real pictures, images or maps to explain meaning or context.
  • assess pupils' understanding throughout the lesson by getting feedback from them by asking them to give answers or show demonstrations
  • teach the learners how to use the computer software
  • teach pupils to surf the net and obtain information
  • easily elicit response from learners regarding to the topic learnt


Above is to briefly explain the use of an IWB. A more thorough and detail information on IWB will be introduced and discussed in the later session of this blog.

Note: Since I'm not yet a PRO in manipulating the IWB, I'm here attempting vey hard to write and explain what I've understood about IWB and my impression about it. If there is any confusion or wrong & misleading info given, do feel free to correct me as soon as possible.

It's difficult to "promote" the "product of the day" here only in words. Let me show you some of the benefits of using IWB in the classroom by photos to convince you as pictures can say a thousand word.

Basically, to function an IWB

  • the computer
  • the LCD projector
  • the software
  • the connection cables
  • the board

There are 4 coloured pens and a duster that come along with the IWB.

  • colour pen to write & draw
  • duster to erase


  1. Pens should always be allocated at the correct colour location so that the user would not get confused with the colour later. The locations have the sensors that determine the colour but not the pen itself.
  2. User must not write using either 2 pens or two objects mentioned above simultaneously as this could affect the sensors to function properly and sometimes confusion might occur.
A very good advantage of this IWB is:


Therefore, it caters to all learners' as well as teachers' needs in the process of using it.

  • pupils seated behind are still able to look at the board
  • young pupils can reach the board and work out their answers or demonstration
  • teachers who are vertically challenged or advanced can adjust the most suitable height for them to carry out the lesson.
I've a little doubt here.

  1. What if the teacher is vertically challenged and the class is big where there are students sitting very far at the back? The IWB needs to be lowered down but this affects the visibility of words & images of the IWB to the students at the back?
  2. I'm uncertain whether the IWB can be adjusted without much exertion or not. If it's difficult, then how the teacher can simply adjust it to cater her own or the students' needs?
Well, perhaps we could provide a stool for the vertically challenged teacher and short young learners to reach the top of the IWB. Haha! Otherwise, build a not-too-high stage to place the smartboard in front of the class, so that teachers can adjust the IWB lower and yet the students at the back are able to see the board clearly.

Sharing my view on this specific issue is to reflect on 1 of the major difficulty faced by my coursemates regarding to IWB. A hot discussion is happening in the forum "The Smartboard. Are you into it?"

Here are some photos taken during the lecture which was conducted by Miss Fenny who briefly yet clearly explained to us the major functions of IWB.

1. User can write the word "Elephant" using the pen. If the user intend to change one's handwriting into type written font, draw a column around the word and select the option of "word recognition". The word can be changed into desirable font.

2. User can clone the words & images as many as desired by drawing a column to the intended cloning part and select the option of "infinite corner" . User can drag out the words cloned to be located on any part of the board.

3. Words can be enlarged or minimized by drawing a column around it and drag it.

4. Words can be rotated by clicking on the green spot after clicking on the word itself.

5. Words can only be successfully dragged or move by touching the line but not on the blackspace or somewhere near the word.

6. A group of words or images can be grouped or ungrouped using the "grouping" function. by doing this, user can either move or drag a specfic element in a group to the other parts of the IWB or move of drage the whole group of icon together.

7. By using the "Gallery" function, pictures can be copied and pasted to the IWB. Pictures can be transferred from the gallery to be shown on the IWB.

8. By attaching pictures from websites or folder to IWB, user have to surf the net, key in the topic or subject under images by selecting "keyboard" and type in the words on the space provided. Select "capture" and then "camera picture" and paste it on the new page.

9. If only 1 part of the picture is needed, user can draw an outline of the part first and follow the steps mentioned in the above statement to have that part of the picture on IWB.

10. Colours of the fonts and pictures can be changed.

11. User can draw pictures using the pens.

IWB is so useful that it is able to help teachers to carry out their lessons in all topics on all subjects. IWB can be manipulated widely in the classroom in order to acheive effective a teaching and learning process.

  1. English can be taught.


  • A wide range of vocabulary can be taught by using pictures. Responses from the learners can be elicited by looking at a picture. (Eg. from picture above, a man's face is displayed on the IWB, learners are asked to describe the emotions of the man. Adjectives are learnt through the picture given on IWB.)
  • Teachers do not need to spend much time, money or effort to draw, cut and paste picuctures on manila cards as teaching materials.
  • Teachers do not need to go for colour photocopy shop to photocopy teaching materials.
  • Teachers do not need to being realias to school which might be too practical at times.
  • Pictures can cater to all learners' learning needs and background knowledge.
  • Pictures shown are clear and vivid.
  • Learners can write their responses beside the pictures. Spellings can be checked by teachers and peers.

2. Geography can be taught.


  • Teachers do not have to spend time drawing, colouring and labelling the atlas, maps or a psecific location on the whiteboard which takes up a lot of time.
  • Locations attached from the websites or gallery are claer and accurate.
  • Learners are given a chance to recognize and get familiar with the places by dragging or labelling the correct places to its exact location. (see picture above)
  • It is easy for teachers to grab learners' attention to the specific places without asking them to refer to the book, paper or tasksheet. All can be done via the IWB.
  • Learners will find it easier to remember input when it is given in a big, clear, vivid and colourful picture (atlas, maps, places).

3. Mathematics can be taught.


  • Teachers find it easy and convenient to teach 2D and 3D shapes as clear picture can be shown to them via IWB.
  • Teachers do not have to draw, cut and paste them on cardboard or mainla card as teaching materials.
  • Learners can identify the shapes as well as their names simultaneously by looking at the IWB.
  • Activities on labelling, matching and filling in the blanks can be carried out.
  • The topic on money can also be implemented easily.
  • Learners can clon the coins and notes shown on IWB and group and ungroup them and drag them to one column to show the sufficient amount of money needed in the questions.
  • The process of calculation as well as the concept on money value can be taught through this kind of activity via IWB.

Later part of the lecture, we were given a task which was to design an English Language Activity via Smartboard. We were asked to work it out in groups. What we needed to do was:

  • Choose a topic
  • Plan the activity
  • Find pictures for the activity
  • Give clear instructions
  • Present the activity in 5 minutes

Before starting designing our activity, we were given a few samples of task sheet to serve as examples and guidelines to help us to have a brief idea on what was expected from us.

We were given some guidelines by Miss Chin where she gave us a useful website http://school.discovery.com/ to check out for clip art gallery and lesson plans.

Here were the "special dishes" of the day cooked by us- the chefs of PKEY 3101. We were able to discuss the strenghts and weaknesses of the activity openly and encouragingly. Many comments and suggestions were given by the lecturer, tutors and among ourselves. It was a fruitful and meaningful discussion where we somehow able to recognize the most fundamental rules on activity designing via IWB.

The comments and suggestions raised and discussed were:

  • Clear instruction should be given. It must be short, simple and clear. This to ensure the learners to know what is required from them and how they should complete the tasks. Clear instructions is important for class management where learners do not go out of track or become a passenger in the lesson.
  • Font and picture size must be clear and visible to the back of the class. There should be sufficient space between words and pcitures so as to allow the learners to see things clearly and not mislead them.
  • Do "Lock" the images so that they could be at the right place. While learners are attempting the questions especially when dragging words or images, the static images should remain immobile so that they do not intterupt or confuse learners.
  • Do provide answers so that learners can immediately check their answers. Not only teacher or peers can correct them, even themselves can undergo a self correction stage.
  • When teachers are teaching colours, make sure that the colours chose are very clear and depicts the real colour. For example, it might be confusing for learners to differenciate between a dark red and brown. Therefore, pick colours that distinctively different from each other so that young learners can easily and instantly recognize the colours.
  • Learners' background knowledge should be taken into consideration. Pictures used should be able to allow learners to reflect or recall their schemata so that they are capable to relate the new input to their previous knowledge. For example, as rural area learner are taught about spaghetti, that one does not have any encounter with and familiar to will slower down the learning pace.
  • Avoid simply cutting pictures without looking at the context. Teachers should not simply cut pictures and ask learners to rearrange them. For example, pictures of a cute baby or a man's face are cut into pieces and the teacher wants her learners to rearrange them accordingly. These pictures in pieces will horrify the learners otherwise turn them to be brutal after a long period of exposure to such kind of improper pictures.
  • Pictures used should suit the teaching context. For example, a sportswoman's body is used to teach parts of the body in English Language. It will be more relevant to use a boy's or a girl's body to show the parts. A sportwoman's pictures would be more appropriate in a Physical Education lesson.
  • Activity designed should be able to cater to mix ability of learners' needs. This is because we rarely see all schools have clear streaming system on according to academic performance especially in the lower primary. Therefore, teachers should consider preparing questions on a variety of easy, moderate and difficult level to suit the learners' different ability.

Well, there are always questions posed for us to answer in our blog. No exception for today's lecture too. I find it truoblesome at times to write and write and write... like no ending...but thinking positively from another perspective, this session of the blog actually allows us to do a self reflection on what we have learnt as well as a feedback session on the effectiveness of the lesson.

Here are the 3 questions:

1. Do you understand the basic knowledge using Note book function in SMART board? If yes which part that you understand most? If not why you did not understand?

Well, my answer is Yes and No. Yes is because I have got a brief idea on what to do with IWB since I've explained the functions learnt in Miss Fenny's class in the earlier part of this blog. The terms on clonning, grouping, capturing, dragging, gallery and etc are used and how and where to click and select functions are shared too. The point is I am in the edge of "half bucket water" as what the chinese says. Knowing everything but all on surface level. I am not a pro yet in manipulating the IWB but I am determined to learn more as I've got hold of the Smart notebook software. I think I could only share my experience and difficulties in depth regarding IWB when I've been in contact with it for quite some time. Wanting to get familiar with it first. However, the experience of doing it on computer and on IWB is totally different. It seems to be same but the "touching process" makes all the difference. So, since practice makes perfect that makes me wonder will all of us get the chance to "touch" the IWB or I should say "molest" it until we grab whole of the skills and knowledge of using the IWB since there are only 1 or two IWB available for the 76 of us? Moreover, if I am so lucky to be a master of IWB, will I have the chance to utilize my knowledge in schools in future? What if I'm posted to very rural areas? Will there be an IWB? Started harrassing my poor brains......

2. Do you understand the basic knowledge to use gallery feature and attachment picture in SMART board incorporate for teaching English vocabulary for standard 4 students?


I've explained the procedures in doing that step by step in the earlier section of my blog. Well, to me smartboard is very effective to be incorporated for the teaching English vocabulary. Why?

  • learners are allowed to give responses on the pictures.
  • learners are allowed to write answers on the board.
  • learners are given the picture to learn through concrete pictures which lies in their cognitive ability. They can understand and remember the vocabulary taught better.
  • learners are allowed to check their answers.
  • learners learn cooperatively since everyone can participate.
  • learners can label or match or fill in the blanks in activities carried out via IWB.
  • If there is internet connection, teacher can allow learners to search the definitions synonyms and pronunciation through online dictionaries, thesaurus and encyclopedias.

3. Do you find that SMART board is useful tool to support in teaching and learning? If yes, why it is useful? If not, what is the problem?


  • It provides colourful and attractive pictures which are able to capture young learners' attention.
  • Learners are able to read words clearly and see pictures vividly.
  • Learners are able to take part in the learning process by attempting questions (labelling, matching, fill in the blanks, writing) on the IWB.
  • Self correction can be taken place.
  • Learners' creativity and aesthetic development can be enhanced. They will learn to appreciate beautiful graphics (arts).
  • Learners' sense of wonder and natural curiosity is engaged in the learning process. (story telling session, making predictions and create suspense where the part is covered on IWB)
  • Teachers are able to save time copying notes, practices, questions on the board during the lesson to ensure that more input is given and complete the syllabus in time.
  • Teachers are able to save time, money and effort in preparing teaching materials.
  • Teachers are able reuse the teaching activities in future or other classes.


  • Bad handwriting might not be read by the software. This hinders young learners who mostly hae bad handwriting from using the IWB. Therefore, teachers should better plan more activities that require learners to match and label. Otherwise, they are asked to type the words using the "keyboard" function but it will take up more time to type especially when learners are not familiar with the key sequencing of the keyboard.
  • The flexibility of adjustment of IWB. (This issue is discussed in the earlier section of my blog)
  • The sensitivity of the IWB. I find some of the proficient IWB users having difficulties in utilizing the IWB too especially during my Mathematics Lectures where we use the Geometry Sketch Pad.

I've got to stop now. Fatigue. I did this blog all over again as the network was so unstable that caused me to lose my entire blog. It didn't automatic save it and as I published it, the website notified me that they weren't able to publish it. Lost the blog & failed to publish it. How pathetic!

The moral of the blog is " Save your work manually before it is too late!!!"

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


5th Lecture
Date: 8th August 2007
Time: 1200-1530
Venue: Computer Laboratory


The lesson began with the introductory of the initiatives implemented in the education field. We were initially exposed to Pembestarian Sekolah & TV Pendidikan by Miss Chin. The session was carried out at a very fast pace due to time constraint as there would be another long "technology" session on poster designing waiting to be introduced to us. As a matter of fact, we were not able to have time to understand them in depth but successfully grasp the general idea of that 2 initiatives. We were asked to read up for the whole concept of :

Since we are cognitively matured learners, we need not be spoon fed by our educators. Doing further reading on our own is never a diffiicult task in order to enhance our knowledge into greater depths.

Basically, there were 5 initiatives disclosed to us by Prof Dr Maznah Hussain & Miss Chin. They were:
  1. Smart school
  2. PPSMI
  3. Schoolnet
  4. Makmal computer
  5. TV Radio Pendidikan

Smart School
  • 88 schools chosen nationally are made to be smart schools

  • There is a vision (pembestarian sekolah) that all schools become smart schools in the coming year.

  • The government has spent millions and millions of ringgit to make this dream a reality by providing and upgrading the facilities (especially the technology ones) in school and training teachers to be better prepared and equipped with sufficient knowledge, skills and willingness to guide our younger generations to walk towards advancement and success.

Can we make this dream happen? It all depends on us- teachers. Effort, sacrifices, knowledge and a positive attitude are the essentials required to make this dream come true. Schools cannot be smart without the teachers. Without intellectually and mentally qualified teachers, a dream will always remain as a dream as a dream needs logic and realistic dreamers to make it a reality. Many people dream and plan, but not many could implement it realistically. As a result, these people will constantly remain in the dreaming process but not stepping forward to turn the dream into a total different definition called "reality". In short, all dreams need actions. I always believe in "What we sow is what we reap."

  • It is the programme of teaching Science and Mathematics in English.

  • It has been carried out for 5 years.
Many people think that it is always difficult to change a practice, implementing PPSMI has actually made the teachers, parents and society worried about to which direction our education is developing. There were many debates on this programme when it first implemented till the present. However, in my opinion, through the observation done on my younger brother who is currently in Form 3, I discover that he is much more professional in discussing Science and Maths compared to me. I, a product of the chinese and malay medium in Science underwent a lot of difficulties in my tertiary education where all reading materials, lectures, references and assignments are in English. No doubt that we- humans have the ability to adapt but it really takes time and we learners suffer much in the process of adapting and picking up the new language. Likewise, my brother who are exposed to Science and Maths in English finds it easy to read and understand English books and online materials available outside the school, for example, the newspapers, encyclopedias, online books and websites. I believe he is better equipped than I am when he reaches his tertiary level of education. Undeniably, I think this programme is considered a success regardless of the complaints of teachers' English proficiency in conducting the lesson.

  • It is a broadband service.

  • To function, a satellite disc for the internet signal is required.

  • Schools are allowed to access internet via school.net.
Makmal Computer
  • At present, not all schools have a computer laboratory but they are provided with computers according to the ratio of pupils and computers 5:1 or 10:1.

  • In large schools more than 1000 students, there might be up to 4 laboratory provided.

  • In medium sized schools, at least 20 computers are provided in 1 computer laboratory given.
Regarding to this initiative applied in schools, the maintenence of the computers should given attention. There are many dysfuctioned computers "displaying" in the laboratory but no repair services are given. A laboratory with low performance computers will only hinder the teachers from carrying out their lesson. What is the point of having an air conditioned computer laboratory with "useless" computers?

TV Radio Pendidikan

  • It is used to teach the bahasa ibunda in Sabah and Sarawak schools.

  • It is shown in Channel 9 as well.

  • This programme failed to implement smoothly due to the problem of the TV @ radio schedule.

  • There is WebTV for teachers to upload teaching materials.

There are two important sources that we-teachers are supposed to know:

  1. BTPN (Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan Negeri) - to get technology information in education

  2. PKG (Pusat Kegiatan Guru) - to get teaching ideas and up-to-date teachers' affairs
By allowing us to be aware of all the above is to give us a concept of the significance of technology in education. Now, we are very clear about the initiatives as well as the sources to seek assistance in terms of technology. This course is attempting to mould us from an ignorant user of technology to a catalyst of transformation in technology.

Here comes the main dish of the day- poster designing.

This session was conducted by a graduated student of Prof Dr Maznah who is studying now in the University of Multimedia. She is Pn Nazirah. A pleasant and enthusiastic lady. She is conducting a research on DISC (Designing for interaction and students’ collaboration) which is mainly about poster designing for the coming 50th Merdeka Celebration for the Malaysian Primary pupils. We were there to try out the lesson and give her relevant feedbacks.

First, we were exposed to what poster designing is all about. There were 5 main features to be taken into account in poster designing. There are:

  1. title

  2. picture

  3. caption

  4. logo

  5. designers

We were asked to design a poster on Merdeka Day by the given templates, pictures and logo in groups of 5. Generally, it was a fun and exciting 45 minutes session as we could 'exhibit' our talents, creativity, cooperation and our love towards our country in the posters designed. "Killing many birds with 1 stone." We were rather satistified with our production but somehow there were still flaws and improvements can be done. Well, we believe in learning from mistakes and constantly yearn to strive for the best.

This is our "humble" production, not a very impressive but satisfactory product I should say.

The feedbacks on this poster designing lesson.

1.Did you face any probelm during the session? Why?

Basically, we did not face any serious problem during the session as the instruction and guidance given are sufficient and detail. However, there is a minor problem that I would like to point out here. I did understand that we had to do it in a group of 5 due to time constraint of presenting our products in the later session.Since there were 75 of us, if there were too many small groups formed, there would be more products to be presented. As we need to design this poster within the 5 of us, it was hard for us to come to a consensus regarding to the title, the font, the colour, the picture and the caption used. It took us a lot of time to evaluate each other's opinions and finally agreed to one. I think it would be better to do it in pairs rather than in such a big group. There would be members who were no so satisfied with the end product since there were elements not designed to their likings. Catering to all individual differences is somehow imposible. If it is carried out in such a way in the primary schools, I am afraid that the young learners might end up having a row or become a passenger in the designing process since young learners constantly want attention. When their ideas were not accepted in the group, they might create havoc or give up participating in the lesson.

2. What do you think of the instruction?

The instruction given was clear and detail. From the beginning, we were guided step by step to the process of designing. We were clear what were expected from us. Pn Nazirah displayed her instruction clearly via powerpoint presentation and further explain to us when there were doubts among us. Moreover, she showed us a few sample posters as a guideline. I think this is the most effective way of allowing your learners what they are supposed to do in the poster designing session. By giving concrete visual samples allow them to work in a clear direction where they can picture "how a poster should look like"in their mind.

3. What improvements can you suggest?
  • Learners should be given the "general rules" of poster designing regarding the font (which font is suitable to bring out the formality of Merdeka Day, which font is suitable to show the mood of celebration), the colour ( which colour is expected to be used in the poster signifiying the meaning of national day), the caption ( what is the meaning of national day to them). This should be done before the designing session begins so that the learners have the brief idea of what are the "dos" and "don'ts".
  • Learners should be given more freedom in designing their posters. Perhaps a plain template can be provided for those who are more creative to explore and go beyond the restricted templates.
  • More pictures in different sizes should be provided. The more choices given, the more creative the learners can explore. They would have more freedom to place the pictures appropriately at different corners and places on the template.

4. How would you carry out this design session with the primary level students?

Initially, I would elicit responses from them about their perception on National Day. I would share to them the meaning of thre celebration of Merdeka Day and the difficulties that we have been through and reaches the development we possess today. This is to allow them to know what to write in their captions later in the designing session. Caption is the content of the poster. Without the general idea of the background and objective of the poster designed, it is difficult for the young learners to show their understanding and appreciation in their poster. All this can be expressed via the caption. Then, I would show them a few samples of posters to them via powerpoint presentation. There will be the effective ones and the less effective ones. Learners are required to identify the good and the bad ones as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the posters and simultaneously I would expose to them the gereral rules of designing posters which I mentioned in question 3. Before this designing lesson, I would also ask my students to search for images and photos (people, places, food, culture and etc.) online regarding our country- Malaysia. In this lesson, they are allowed to use thier own photos and image found to design their posters. This is to allow them to gain the overall satisfaction of their own effort. On the other hand, I would still provide them my pictures to give them more options to explore. This task should be done in pairs to promote cooperative learning yet prevent them to engage in any conflicts if it is done in a bigger group where they find it hard to come to a consensus in designing. Before they start designing, I would like to introduce them different ways to create their captions. It can be done by writing a few words, phrases, sentences or a poem. This is to cater to the different level of language proficiency of all students. Finally, they are asked to present thier poster by explaining the message conveyed in the poster. Feedbacks and comments are given by the teacher and peers. The best pieces can be printed out and distribute to all students in the school in conjunction with the National Day. This can definitely enhance the self esteem of the "little designers" as they are able to obtain a sense of acheivement.

Our lesson ended with the powerpoint presentation created by primary school kids shown by Miss Ng. I was amazed not only by their designs as well as the content of their topic about drugs.
It was attractive and informative. I began to feel challenged yet looking forward to my days of teaching in the primary school; teaching and learning together with my "future kids".

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


4th Lecture
Date: 1st August 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory


Initially, we started off of our 3 hours journey to the "technology wonderland" with 2 wonderful tour guides- Prof Dr Maznah Hussain & Miss Chin.

In the first session, we were given the website below to check out the blogs that were posted by our respected seniors. Miss Chin noted that we might be able to grasp a better idea on blogging.
After browsing through their blogs randomly, some of them had produced high content- based blogs but some were just too brief. Any way, I believe it is better and safer for us to learn from the experienced by taking their strengths as well as weaknesses into consideration. We shall not merely learn from success but flaws and mistakes. We were so fortunate to have our seniors' blogs as guidance and reference.

In the second session, here came Prof Dr Maznah Hussain to take the lead explaining to us her experience at SMJK Datuk Ahmad Badawai in Penang. This was indeed a discovery for me as I never knew that there were schools out there to enjoy such privilege that was to be in the pilot test on 1:1 computer lab. 40 personal computers (CMPC-MY CLASSMATE PC) with additional 1 smartboard were provided ensuring that the teaching and learning processes were carried out using ICT. No doubt, the government was consistently implementing the ICT programmes at schools and feedbacks of its effectiveness were expected via this pilot test. Positive or negative feedbacks? Well, according to Prof Maznah, "problems! problems! problems!" were brought up by the teachers. Refering to this case, our Prof believed that to reduce the problems, the teachers should stand up and take an active role in the ICT programmes. Their attitude and knowledge are pertinent to make a difference.
"You have got a BMW 5 Series but with no driving license; how are you supposed to drive?"
What I meant here was the BMW was the ICT facilities given yet only with the positive mindset and technology skills of teachers ( the license) will help to bring ICT programme a success in the education field.
"Anything is considered useless unless it is used usefully."

In fact, I perceived that not only the teachers need to be changed and upgraded but the government has to take practical actions on the maintenance work. I understood that many schools outside do possess a computer lab and internet access. However, many of the computers were not functioning properly and this had actually hindered the teachers to conduct their lessons there. Shockingly, the computers can be left untouched for the rest of the year without any repair services given. I believe it is not a matter of budget since the government had allocated millions and millions of ringgits in this project. "You bought yourself a bungalow but not willing to buy yourself a bed to sleep comfortably there?" It is impossible right?

We moved on to the next session where Miss Chin took charge again.
A powerpoint presentation regarding Chapter 1 by Brennan on ICT and the learning principles of primary school curriculum was summarized and explained.
Basically it was about using ICT in teaching and learning may be approached in the three ways below and the 14 principles of learning ICT in the primary school curriculum:

  1. learning through ICT
  2. learning with ICT
  3. learning about ICT

In short, this chapter exposed us about how ICT can assist learner in their learning process. Through ICT , learners can be developed multidimensionally- intellectually, technologically, aesthetically, socially, linguistically & emotionally.

For further and more detail information please read Brennan- Chapter 1.

During this discussion, a question was brought up on e-portfolio. Basically I did recognize what an e-portfolio is meant for, such as to keep a collection of learner's work, see how they progress, allow learners to share their knowledge or improve their technology skills and etc. However, I was somewhow confused what an e-portfolio is. Knowing that my cousemates were so actively participating in the forum posted about e-portfolio, I brought up my doubts in the discussion. Participants were all listing the benefits and disadvantages about it but none touched on the general guidelines on how to create an e-portfolio and the expected content.

Fortunately, my confusion caught Miss Ng's attention. She promised to answer my questions in her blog soon. Eagerly looking forward to her response.

For those who did not notice the existence of my confusion in the forum, these were the questions posed:

1) Is it simply tasksheets completed using the computer and uploaded to your "website" where your e-portfolio is located?

2) Is it what we are doing every week- blog and blog and blog? The blogs that actually share your knowledge ( doing an output session)? Blogs considered as content of e-portfolio?

3) Are the learners allow to write their personal experiences, encounters and feelings in their e-portfolio (like diary) which are not relevant to the teaching- learning process?

4) How do we create e-portfolios and what are the expected content and responses from the learners to be kept in their e-portfolio?

5) Is e-portfolio being used in the Malaysian schools? I wonder......(never heard of it actually)

Well, a good friend of mine, Sze Mei did mentioned about her doubts on e-portfolio in the her blog which were somehow similar to mine. Miss Ng had briefly cleared some of her clouds and mine were partly cleared too after reading her comment given in Sze Mei's blog.

Generally, the answer "YES" was given to all questions above.

However, there is still a stubborn doubt that refused to leave my mind......

Do you think that e-portfolio should be set specific rules in terms of content? For me, especially for educational e-portfolio, it should be restricted to some kind of academic content rather than allowing our young learners to simply write irrelevant details, nonsense or morally degrading topics and uploaded to their e-portfolios since the products can be viewed by the public. Young children are the "sheep" and we- TEACHERS are the shepherd. We should not allow our sheep to roam too far away till they could not find their way home. A lost sheep might be in danger in the outside world. It is better for teachers to guide and lead them on the right path, showing them the right way to do things; in this case, presenting their e-portfolios. Do a little of thinking, my readers......

Come to the last session of the day, Miss Chin gave us some websites on PPSMI/ETEMS, e-bahan and MYCD. We were asked to read up and produce a general idea of the projects via powerpoint presentation.

The webistes were:




One more question, regarding e-bahan. I understand that e-bahan is online learning materials but I could not find any examples of e-bahan online because website given was a restricted site. I thought of creating a new account but was not allowed.

If any one of you were able to let me view the exact e-bahan, do write to me.

Thank you.

Sharing is caring.


3rd Lecture
Date: 25th July 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory


"Simplicity, simplicity & simplicity! Your powerpoint must be simple and not cluttered!"

That day lecture was about the principles of designing an effective powerpoint presentation. We were so fortunate to have Miss Ng in our midst to share us her knowledge about this topic.
Well, I am not going to further elaborate on the input of the lecture now but sharing about my first impression on Miss Ng.

My narration begins......

Since I was not an early bird that particular day, I failed to get a front seat, hence, I was seated in the last row. Miss Ng came in and started her lecture. I paid 100% attention to her due to her extremely good voice projection. I could hear every single word that was uttered. She is vertically challenged but that did not simply prevent her from controlling and engaging the class with her clear voice projection and effective approach used to deliver her lecture. Small in size but great in power. Power to manage the class appropriately.
During the lecture, the newspapers beside me caught my attention about a terrible accident. The cover page displayed the dead bodies trapped in the car. It was horrifying! This made me focus on reading the article, trying to find out the details about the crash. As I was so indulged in reading, Miss Ng walked to me from right in front to the back of the lab and asked me to go in front to modify a picture in the powerpoint slide shown on the smart board. She did not neither scold nor give me warning in front of the whole class but I knew she had found out that I was not paying attention to her anymore. What I am trying to explain here is I really admire her sensitivity towards her learners. My reading session probably only took 20 seconds but amazingly she was able to notice that I was "out" of her lecture among the 75 learners. Her approach of dealing with "problematic" students was accurate as she did not hurt my feelings publicly but secretly informed me that I should be attentive. Very observant, considerate and smart in handling others' feelings- my impression towards Miss Ng.

Now, let me draw myself back to the main topic of the day.

The principles of designing good powerpoint presentation that I had received were:
  1. Simplicity. (Slides displayed must be as simple as possible and not cluttered.)
  2. Visibility. (Font size and wording used must be clear and easy to be read.)
  3. Colour of slides preferably in black. (More attention captivating)
  4. Choice of font colour. (Wordings must be able to stand out in the slides.)
  5. 2D charts are more preferable than 3D charts. (2D charts are more able to show the different portions.)
  6. Main title or topic should be shown in each slides. (To re-emphasize the purpose of the presentation.)
  7. Real life pictures are preferred. (Picture pixels are put into consideration to ensure clarity.)
  8. Relevance of pictures to the topic. (Pictures displayed should be as relevant as possible to the issue discussed.)
  9. Sources should be stated. (Pictures or other information shown should have the sources stated in the slides.)
Towards the end of Miss Ng's lecture, she showed us a powerpoint presentation done by a foreigner which was considered simple, direct and effective. Each of his slides either consists of 1 logo, 1 picture, or 1 word. The pace of the appearance of each slides was very fast. Undoubtedly, it was impressing and effective.

However, there were some doubts stirring in my mind......

In my opinion, power points are objects and we- teachers are living things. Why do we need to be bound by the principles and follow them blindly? I think we should be wise enough to decide what kind of powerpoint is most suitable and able to attract our audience either adults or children, the professionals or the public, the elders and the youngsters and etc.

For example, if you are promoting a product, perhaps you could just design simple and less word powerpoint presentation to your customers as long as it is able to capture their favour.
On the other hand, if a lecturer is trying to explain teories, philosophies, procedures or concepts, it will be difficult to design a 1 word or a short phrase powerpoint presentation to explain the whole idea. Besides that, if we are dealing with young kids, I believe animated pictures can capture their minds rather than real life pictures.

As a matter of fact, I think what I had learnt were the general principles of powerpoint designing. To be a professional powerpoint designer, the utmost criteria is to be able to recognize your audience's needs and characteristics. Moreover, understand your purpose of the presentation. And finally, plan and develop your powerpoint presentation which has the power to convey your meaning effectively.

No strict rules in designing powerpoint presentation right?

Saturday, August 4, 2007


2nd Lecture
Date: 18th July 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory


Unfortunately, I was not fit to attend lecture that I was looking forward since last week. I suffered from a severe diarrhoea. I guessed I might have consumed some kind of contaminated food from a cheap stall yesterday. Early in the morning, I visited the doctor and spent the rest of the day either visiting the toilet or lying in bed.

My coursemates came home and briefly explained to me what they had done in the lecture.
They had included me in their group as they were told to form a group of five members. I was so glad that they did not abandon me.

I was told that powerpoint presentations were carried out. They were given a topic randomly and were required to surf the net and obtain relevant information to create their slides and later present it to the class. Our topic was about YAHOO EMAIL.

Anyway, I thanked them so much for keeping me up-to-date and promised them that I am utmost willing to participate, contribute and give my full support and cooperation in the next group assignment.


1st Lecture
Date: 11th July 2007
Time: 1200-1500
Venue: Computer Laboratory


Before stepping into the computer lab, I was pondering in anxiety what exactly this “TECHNOLOGY” course was all about. Honestly and unfortunately, I am technologically challenged. The idea of attending this technology course had dawned upon me that there was an extremely high possibility that I would be a lost sheep throughout the course. All this while, I would constantly keep myself a hundred miles away from all technology inventions (especially the computer) whenever possible unless I am perpetually forced to utilize them. My computer knowledge and skills was shockingly shallow that I could only read what is on the screen and type the keys on the keyboard. Of course moving and clicking the mouse was another technology mission that I could perform. How pathetic!

As I was seated in the lab, Dr Maznah Hussian appeared. She began to introduce the course and I was there listening attentively and anxiously how terrifying this course would be. Amazingly, my affective filter was tremendously lowered down by Dr Maznah’s placid nature and sincere approach. I wonder how she has the ability to lead me feel safe and release me from my anxiousness.

She started off with her lecture by requiring us to write blogs. Blogs written will be assessed. The term “blog” seemed so unfamiliar to me as I had never posted a blog before. After hearing from my course mates views on blogging, I somehow got the idea what it was all about. (And I am now happily in the process of producing my 1st blog in my life…..hohohoho)
The question posed by Dr Maznah was:
Why Blog?
Answers given by us were:
v To advertise product
v To hint / tell something
v To express feelings
v To publish stories and poems for free
v To gossip
v To record experience
v To do self reflection
v To voice out opinion
For me,
Why do I need to write blogs in this course?
v To recall the input given
v To share knowledge with others
v To comment on others’ view
v To improve my computer literacy
And I hope
v To have some fun too

Then Dr Maznah started to lead us (teachers-to-be) to recognize the significance of technology in primary education. I understood that she was attempting to convince us to utilize the technology equipments provided in schools usefully and widely in the teaching and learning process in future.

The benefits of technology in primary education were discussed:
§ Enhance teaching and learning
§ Real
§ Creative
§ Innovative
§ Fun and interesting
§ Make life easier
§ Go beyond classroom
§ New discovery
§ Diversity
§ Improve knowledge and skills in technology
§ Get updated information

Moreover, by manipulating technology in the primary education, pupils’ soft skills can be extensively developed which include:
1. communication
2. leadership
3. teamwork
4. critical thinking
5. creativity
6. entrepreneurship

Entering this stage of the lecture, indeed it sounded convincing that we- teachers need to acquire the knowledge and technology skills so as to educate our pupils in future. However, by possessing the fundamental skills would never be sufficient to lead the pupils to learn better via technology. A question emerged- “How are we supposed to engage them in the learning process through technology?”
Dr Maznah aptly introduced us her power point presentation on “PLEASE” which is to
P ersonalized
L earning
E nvironment
A nd
S tudent’s
E ngagement

In my humble opinion, their learning environment should be designed and prepared in such a way that is conducive for learning. Pupils in the primary education should be provided sufficient and equal opportunities and resources in the technology learning process. Each pupil’s individual characteristics, learning preferences and motivation are necessary to be identified before the lesson using technology can be implemented. Knowing and putting this into practice can assist the teachers to easily lead their pupils to be engaged in the learning process, with the object of study and with the context of the subject of study (This was also what I understood about the meaning of PLEASE.)

All in all, it is never an easy task to change the teachers’, the parents’ and the society’s mindset that teaching using technology is effective especially for those who are not computer literate and have little exposure to technology. We had discussed “What is the most difficult thing to change in school?” Bureaucracy, rules, culture, budget, traditions, mindset, environment and budget were brought up. Personally, talking in term of using technology in the teaching and learning process in the primary education, it is the teachers’ mindset that is difficult to change. Many teachers find it troublesome to attend technology courses, implementing technology in the learning process and utilizing the technology gadgets.

Why they are so afraid to change?
§ Technology is unfamiliar to them
§ They do not want to expose themselves to things that are new and need time to learn.
§ They do not find it necessary.
§ They are afraid that they might not be as competent as before and also with
other technologically more advanced teachers.

§ They want to be at the comfortable zone and in control of their lesson.
All these “barriers” have hindered them to change, accept and acquire the new technology exposed to them which is beneficial to the teaching and learning process.

Looking from another perspective, if all teachers are willing to undergo this on-going learning professional development process while allowing technology to take part in their teaching, I think it is possible for us- teachers to make a greater difference in the education field. The society needs to see the optimum results of the use of technology in education to be convinced that it is an effective and essential approach in learning. Therefore, teachers are the ones that ought to take the first step out of their static position and move forward and progressively in this technology era.

Stepping out of the computer lab, I had abandoned my negative views on technology and looking forward positively to my next lecture. I hope I could gain and master as much knowledge and skills as possible throughout this course so that I could be professionally equipped to offer my input technologically to my pupils in future.