About Me

Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
I'm an extreme practitioner of narcissism. Being so narcissistic might sound terrifying to most people, but looking from another perspective, people who deeply understand why they love themselves so much would encourage them to find and discover their true self. When we are able to admire the strong qualities in ourselves, our self-worth will be tremendously enhanced. Learning how to appreciate myself allows me to be grateful to what God and my parents have blessed me so far.

Personal Details:

Name: Moo Yong Yun Mun
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Date of birth: 30.01.1985
Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: Undergraduate, Tutor
Schools attended:
1.Sentosa Kindergarten (1988)
2.Catholic Kindergarten (1990-1991)
3.SJK (C) Ketari (1992-1997)
4. SMK Ketari (1998-2002)
5. Taylor's College (2003)
6. Institute Perguruan Ilmu Khas(2003-2007)
7. University of Malaya (2007-)

Activities to kill time

-filling up my bank account
-viewing and feeding kois
-exploiting my poor brains (over thinking)
-harrassing my notebook's keyboard ( completing
assignments, online chatting & blogging)
-hammering the piano and croaking songs
-satisfying people's stomach with tantalizing food
-contributing to the country's economy (shopping n feasting)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


3. 10 2007

It was the last day of this course PKEY 3101 Technology in Primary Education.

After sailing through 14 weeks in a ship consisted of 75 passengers (us), a captain (Prof. Raja Maznah) and 2 cabin crews (Miss Ng and Miss Chin). We finally reached the destination and it's time for us to go our separate ways. No longer on the same "boat", but our spirit of technology will continue to burn in moodle as well as here in blogger.

Before the lecture started, we were given a survey to be completed regarding on our experience on designing activities via smartboard.

I answered it by giving clear and thorough explanation which reflected my feelings and personal opinion of the effectiveness of samrt teaching using smartbaord.

The last lecture started with Prof. Maznah sharing a funny yet practical philosophy to us which was the "FISH PHILOSOPHY".

Sounds funny right?

Let me briefly explain to you.

After getting familiar with this philosophy, I bet you would like to inculcate in your life too!

For me, it is a remedy for those who are always stressed up, depressed and possess bad temper.

Any way, Fish Philosophy is......

1. Play - Have a little fun at work.

2. Make their day - Go M.A.D. [Make a Difference], engage others. Make them part of the fun.

3. Be there - actually pay attention, to make sure you take care of the person in front of you
right now!

4. Choose your attitude - Before you go to work in the morning, pick out an attitude, just like
you choose your underwear.

Ideas for Applying the "Fish Philosophy"

  • U joke.
  • U compliment.
  • U smile.
  • U make people smile.
  • U laugh.
  • U make people laugh.
  • U have fun.
  • U make people have fun.


  • U praise.
  • U share.
  • U help.
  • U be nice.
  • U cooperate.
  • U appreciate.
  • U thank.
  • U listen.
  • U greet.


  • U smile.
  • U concern.
  • U are friendly.
  • U show up.


  • You have positive thoughts.
  • You have happy thoughts.
  • You are pleasant.
  • You have an awesome attitude.

Well, well, well,

in short,

Just treat yourself better and treat the people around you better.

Life will turn out to be better!

This philosophy should be applied to all teachers so that our pupils will have fun learning with us. Surely their affective filter will be lowered down by a teacher who is a follower of fish philosophy and I'm certain the learning environment will be more pleasant, warm, fun and exciting. We teachers listen to our pupils' needs and pupils will be touched by our attitude towards life. A good attitude can influence others too.

Thanks to Prof. Raja Maznah sharing to us this philosophy where we could live life "longer" with less hassels, conflicts and stress.

Later, we were given an unexpected quiz.

It takes up 5 marks in our overall performance in this course.

40 minutes were given to complete the quiz.

The quiz wasn't that difficult but tested a lot on our memorization on some theories and principles of technology.

Well ,I guessed I could sail through......

Last but not least, Miss Chin gave us some important learning spaces and educational websites which will be useful and resourceful for us in future to further develop our knowledge and skills on ICT teaching. I think these sites should be taken note of for our professional development as well as to improve one of our soft skills which is Lifelong Learning.

Here I would sincerely thank Prof. Maznah, Miss Ng and Miss Chin for their patience, support, encouragement given throughout these 14 weeks which completely developed us from a so called "techno dummy" to a "not so techno dummy" or some might say "techno savvy" teacher- to-be. There is no end in learning and I personally will continue to upgrade myself consistently and persistently throughout my life so that I could offer my best to my pupils.

Another point I would credit this course is......

It is able to allow me to develop my soft skills in terms of

  1. communication
  2. leadership
  3. lifelong learning
  4. ethics and professional values
  5. teamwork
  6. creativity

That's all for now.

Personally, I've enjoyed the entire course and undoubtedly this course has much to offer.

PKEY 3101 reigns!!!



Free at last!
Free at last!
Free at last!

The scariest and terrifying moment has come to a past.

I've sat for my examination for PKEY 3101 Technology in Primary Education.

Honestly I didn't expect the paper to be so challenging and required so much of output and most nervous wrecking part was we had to explain and perform within 2 hours answering 2 essay questions which consists of 2 parts per essay.

I was so worried and my hands began to tremble attempting the questions. Knowing that I would not have sufficient time to complete the essays, I told myself I must never stop a single second in writing.

Initially, I began to read through the 3 questions deciding which 2 I could express better. I decided to attempt on the 1st and 2nd question. After a terrible "thunder storm" brainstorming session I managed to write down the points and organized them. Then in double quick time I started to write.

At first, I could still write rationally and my handwriting was still clear and neat. However, looking at the time, I sped up and my handwriting turned a little messy and I got jumbled up with my ideas and elaborations. The stress was unbearable and suffocating. I guess Miss Chin had seen me suffering in pain as she was just sitting in front of me.

Although the topics covered were all relevant to what we had learnt, the questions were so aptly designed that they seemed to expect a lot from me. Without caring how much I could pour out, I wrote and wrote and wrote.

Writing about blogs, writing about Airset and also writing about Smartboard.

Just telling you what they are wasn't that difficult, but being convincing with their advantages to the learners as well as how teachers can manipulate them in the teaching and learning process might not be an easy task.

After all, I had come out with a 12-pages product of writing. I hope the essays weren't craps to my markers. I was just trying my very best to explain my understanding on what I've learnt from this course throughout the 14 weeks.

I'm uncertain what I would score in this paper but I do cross my fingers that I would be able to pass and did alright in this paper.