-Is it effective?
-Is it able to enhance language proficiency?
-Is it wasting or saving time?
-What are the difficulties of using ICT?
-ICT for all.
-ICT competencies
-The relationship teacher readiness, pedagogical goals and resistance to smart teaching.
By analyzing the questions, I discovered that apparently many of us are facing difficulties in acquiring the skills of manipulating ICT and doubted on the effectiveness of ICT.
Well, I believe that"what we reap is what is sow".
In this era of technology, we have no way to escape from ICT. We might still insist on using the traditional teaching approaches that are effective and thinking that there is no necessity for us to adopt and adapt the knowledge and proficiency in using ICT in our teaching process.
But why are we resisting to allow ICT to become part of our teaching tool? This is due to
- Unfamiliarity
- laziness
- Self-contentment
- Unwillingness
- Selfishness
As teachers, we should constantly remind ourselves about the significance of:
Teachers are social engineers. We mould the younger generations. Without sufficient and more advanced knowledge,
- Are we able to lead our students to greater heights as aimed by the National Philosophy of Education?
- Are we able to cater to our learners' learning styles and preferences?
- Are we able to utilize a diversity of effective teaching strategies in the teaching & learning process?
- Are we competent and accountable in the education field?
As teachers, we should not remain static all the time. As globalization and development take place, there is a need for us to progress as well. We could see that technology has somehow "conquered" the world. We could see "technology" everywhere.
I think the journey to become a "techno savvy" teacher will never ever be easy, if we kept on perceiving ICT as something "strange" or"difficult" or "unnecessary".
We need to possess a positive attitude towards ICT. This is to indirectly motivate us to be more willing to attempt and explore ICT.
Sometimes, thinking too much can make things seem so complicated. We should be "simple-minded" & positive accepting that ICT is just another brand new tool invented to allow us to diversify our teaching strategies.
We just need to welcome ICT open handed and minded into our profession. Take the difficulties encountered as little bumps along the journey to our destination.
I think that even though we might have the competency of using ICT, but without the passion and willingness, we would never able to manipulate ICT to the maximum.
In my opinion, we teachers are not forced to solely use ICT in the teaching process by neglecting all the strategies that have been used over the past, but to use ICT to make our lessons more interesting, more varied and able to cater to the learners' different learning styles in this "techno era".
I've come across a journal regarding on "Attitudes and Perceived Information Technology
Competency among Teachers" at this website
pppjj.usm.my/mojit/.../Dec05/09 - attitudes_and_perceived[1]-final.pdf
"Although teachers are equipped with knowledge and skills in using computers, the success of implementing the new curriculum with information technology (IT) in education depends greatly upon the attitudes of the teachers and their willingness to embrace such technology. That being the case, teachers should possess not only IT knowledge and skills, but they must also have the right attitudes towards IT (Wong, 2002). "
Plain talking is always easy, but putting into action is always difficult.
A positive attitude?
It all depends on the teachers.
We cultivate the attitude.
Aiyoh Yun Mun, you called THAT a short blog? well what a throughly discussed piece of writing I should say.
I may not be a techo savvy, but I really disagree with people who just shying away from anything new. It reminds me of what Mdm. Rafidah (my leadership lecturer) said; "fear of the unknown". Yeah, not all human being are always ready for something new. Some perceive the unknown as a treat, some perceive as a challenge. Just like how our grannies didn't trust the ATM machine when it was first invented.
But like ot or loathe it, technology is here to STAY. So all we could do is bare with the unknown or rather, face and challenge of the unknown. I'm sure we don't want to be dubbed as "Cikgu-bute-IT" by our young learners, do we?
hello, just dropped by to say nice web layout
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