About Me

Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
I'm an extreme practitioner of narcissism. Being so narcissistic might sound terrifying to most people, but looking from another perspective, people who deeply understand why they love themselves so much would encourage them to find and discover their true self. When we are able to admire the strong qualities in ourselves, our self-worth will be tremendously enhanced. Learning how to appreciate myself allows me to be grateful to what God and my parents have blessed me so far.

Personal Details:

Name: Moo Yong Yun Mun
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Date of birth: 30.01.1985
Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: Undergraduate, Tutor
Schools attended:
1.Sentosa Kindergarten (1988)
2.Catholic Kindergarten (1990-1991)
3.SJK (C) Ketari (1992-1997)
4. SMK Ketari (1998-2002)
5. Taylor's College (2003)
6. Institute Perguruan Ilmu Khas(2003-2007)
7. University of Malaya (2007-)

Activities to kill time

-filling up my bank account
-viewing and feeding kois
-exploiting my poor brains (over thinking)
-harrassing my notebook's keyboard ( completing
assignments, online chatting & blogging)
-hammering the piano and croaking songs
-satisfying people's stomach with tantalizing food
-contributing to the country's economy (shopping n feasting)

Sunday, September 23, 2007


My production of IWB activities.

These activities are aptly planned to serve as enrichment activities for Year 4 pupils. The topic is mainly on data handling which is the last topic of the year. Therefore, it is assumed that the majority pupils have somehow mastered all the topics covered earlier. These activities are carefully planned so as to not only allow pupils to be able to acquire a thorough grasp on data handling and also be able to activate their prior knowledge learnt. By working on these activities which focus on data handling, some of the previous knowledge such as basic operations of whole numbers, fraction, money and mass will be recalled and tested. According to Merrill (2002),

"Learning is promoted when learners activate relevant cognitive structures by being directed to recall, describe or demonstrate relevant prior knowledge or experience."

"Directing learners to recall past relevant experience and checking this recollection for relevance
to the task under consideration is more likely to activate an appropriate mental model that facilitates the acquisition of the new set of interrelated skills."

Moreover, all the activities created are based on the pupils' daily lives. The content includes, pupils' favourite fruits, animals on the farm, sweets sold at the store, visitors to the zoo and pupils' results. The content areas are relevant and familiar to them. This can help to secure them in the learning process where they could relate their learning to the real world. Gradually their affective filter is lowered down and this will enhance the learning process. According to Krashen (1982), in his monitor model, when a learner's needs, motives, attitude or emotional state is affected, their affective filter is up and this will block the input given. Therefore, since they know what they are learning, their emotional state is stable and they are interested to learn, these activities can be carried out smoothly and the intended learning outcomes can be achieved by the end of the activities.

The most important point is that these activities about data handling are carried out using the Interactive Smartboard (IWB). This approach has greatly turned the learning process to become entirely different compared to the traditional way of teaching which is chalk and talk or manilla card teaching aids. Their learning about data handling has become so interesting as they are able to see colourful pictures, pictographs and bar charts which can stir them as well as capture and prolong their attention span. Young learners are visual learners because they learn from concrete ideas rather than abstract ideas. In Piaget's cognitive development theory (1952), children at the age of 9-10 are at the concrete oprerational stage where they are capable of operations but solve problems by generalizing from concrete experience. Therefore, by allowing them to look at pictures will help them to understand concept at a faster pace. In addition, teaching data handling using IWB is so much convenient, smart, fast and easy. This is because the teacher can plan and prepare her lesson in terms of activities and tasks where she could manipulate the IWB to provide input as well as practices and assessment to the pupils. If the teacher teaches data handling using the black or white board, she might have to draw and construct pictographs, bar graphs and copying questions on board during the lesson which is considered ineffective in the aspect of time management as teachers should always grab every opportunity to allow the pupils to learn more and display their knowledge in their learning process. By using IWB in teaching data handling, pupils can see, interpret and construct pictographs and bar graphs on their own demonstrating their knowledge to their peers. According to Erikson's psychosocial development theory (1963), children at the age of 9-10 are in the industry vs, inferiority stage. They need to be encouraged to make and do things well, helped to persevere, allowed to finish tasks and praised for trying. Therefore, through IWB, pupils are given the opportunity to interact with the smartboard and perform their mathematical skills and knowledge in front of their peers and thus, their self confidence will be tremendously enhanced. They will feel competent and they will enjoy intellectual work and take pride of doing more things. Once the motivation is developed, learning can be promoted easily and with fun.

On the other hand, using IWB in teaching data handling is capable to develop the pupils' hand eye coordination as they construct bar graphs and pictographs. The hidescreen feature is so useful in teaching mathematics. This is because the teacher can control the pupils progress in attempting the questions in the activities. Teacher only reveals the first question to be attempted and ensure that every pupil is engaged in doing that question. Smart pupils will always finish their work fast, as a matter of fact if the questions are all revealed to them, they will create havoc or start to disturb others once they have completed their work. This feature also gives time for the teacher to identify which are the weaker ones that need scaffolding.
Vygotsky (1978) stated that children need a supportive social environment in order to achieve learning where they can proceed from their actual zone of proximal development. Teacher can immediately scaffold those who are in confusion and lead them to understanding as much as possible.

According to Bloom taxonomy of Education Objectives (1956), questions in mathematics should be constructed which covers the cognitive domain. The activities created on data handling involve the level of understanding, knowledge, application and analysis. All these happens when the pupils are able to understand the data in pictographs and bar graphs, the connection and relationships of the data, arrange and sequence the data, compare and contrast the data as well as solving problems according to the data shown.

Last but not least, the features to check answers after the pupils have attempted the questions are useful and motivating. Pupils will be able to identify their mistakes and learn from self correction, peer correction and teacher correction. When they get the correct answer by checking it themselves, they will have a sense of accomplishment. Conversely, if they get the wrong answer, they can always redo or their peers can help them out. Comparing to doing task sheets marked by the teacher, the teacher will give a big red cross on their mistakes and this can be intimidating to young pupils where they might lose interest in learning once they start to feel inferior and belittled.

These activities not only allow pupils to have close interaction with the IWB but also with their classmates. The activities are able to promote peer learning where pupils share their knowledge among themselves in group work and this helps them to learn from each other. Moreover, the better ones can help the weaker ones to learn the concept through communication among themselves. Pupils do not feel shy asking help from peers compared to the teacher.

Talking about games, the significance of IWB is that it can allow teachers to download games and save it as a flash file for pupils to play and subconsciously learn the intended input. Pupils do not feel stressed to receive input but learning it with fun and in a relax manner. Pupils not only can play the games but they are having physical contact with the IWB while playing the games. This may help pupils to learn better in memorization. Moreover, teacher will save a lot of time preparing boring task sheets for pupils to attempt on. Teachers can also have immediate feedback on pupils' knowledge regarding the input given and with the information obtained, teacher will understand the strengths and weaknesses of their pupils. This will allow teacher to provide more input or change their teaching strategies so that to achieve optimum results in the teaching and learning process.

All in all, implementing teaching and learning activities via IWB can truly benefit the pupils and most importantly
it is capable to personalise and engage the pupils' learning in a condusive and supportive environment.

Below are some examples of my product.

These examples are not displayed to show the process on how to teach data handling (mathematics) using smartboard. My main purpose here is to share my personal experience that it is effective and interesting teaching data handling using this new ICT tool (IWB). It has brought about a brand new approach in teaching data handling compared to the traditional teaching method where learners can only construct pictograms and bar graphs on tasksheet. Vivid and colourful pictograms and bar graphs can hardly be displayed through the use of blackboard and whiteboard. Powerpoint presentation can display vivid and coluorful ones but only the smartboard is capable in providing opportunities to allow learners to engaged and interact with data handling through the "encounter" / "contact" with smartboard.

Smartboard is wonderful!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Reading the title itself, some of you might think of I'm getting attached or getting married. Hahaha!!!
Not the case.

What I really want to share here is student's engagement.

Prof. Maznah has continuously and persistently emphasized on the importance of students' engagement in a technology-based lesson.

The use of the smartboard is to interact with your students.

There is a two way communication between the IWB and the students.

Teachers must make sure that all students are engaged with the technology and benefiting from it.

In our 1st lecture, the PLEASE was emphasized which is to "personalized learning environment and students engagement."

Well, as we were designing our activities via smart notebook, we were cracking our heads thinking that
"How to interact with my students via IWB?"
"Is it necessary for my students to touch the board only considered interaction is implemented?"
" Students interact with each other (pair or group work) considered interaction when using IWB?"

Then, we started to doubt the interactiveness of the IWB.

Can the students really engaged in the learning via smartboard?

To clear a little of our clouds......


Interaction means you have contact or connection with something.
How to contact?
It involves your senses.

Smartboard is a very interactive technology tool to be used in the teaching and learning process.
Why do I say that?
Students touch it.
Sutdents listen to it.
Sutdents look at it.
And all of us understand that young learners can acquire knowledge best through senses according to the young learners' characteristics theories that we have learnt.

Do I somehow persuade you that IWB is interactive?

I was browsing through the net to see anyone could convince me with statistics or numerical data about how "powerful" is the IWB in education since I believe in logics and evidence.
There I found a research done evaluating the effectiveness of the use of IWB in the teaching and learning process.
The research involved teachers and students.
They were given questionaires and interviews.
I find the interviews very useful in convincing me that IWB is indeed useful and effective to motivate the students' to learn better.
Most of the students claimed that they have learnt better via IWB.
Of course there are flaws mentioned in the interviews which I think we-teachers should know in order to help lessen the problem while using the IWB.

For example:
1) They felt the board was somewhat difficult to write on because of a shadow effect caused when their hand blockedthe light from the projector.
2) The researcher’s classroom observations noted some had difficulty touching the board
with only the tip of the markers, which caused stray marks to be created on the board.

3) One student stated, “I least like the board when you try to write. When you touch the board with your arm, it makes lines you didn’t mean to make.”

One very encouraging statement made by the student was:
One student stated, “It (IWB) makes me pay attention to the teacher more. When the teacher just stands up there and talks, I get easily distracted.”

Does the use of a whiteboard in the classroom help you to be able to pay better attention?
Most of the comments were related to the visual and interactive nature of the board.
Another student responded, “Yes, because you get to participate
with it more than just regular classwork.”

Positive feedbacks from the teachers were:

“Students’ attention is automatically on the lesson, no matter what the subject. As soon as they enter the room and see the board, they are immediately interested in what you have planned for class that day.”

“I enjoy seeing my students engaged. When I use the whiteboard, I tend to stay away
from lecturing. The whiteboard makes it easier to be a facilitator and allows the students more freedom to teach and
learn from each other.”

I would not give you so many examples and imformation collected from the research here.

You can have a look at the research at:

Allow yourself to be motivated through the positive data and information collected.
It will certainly convince you that using IWB (technology) is worthwhile as both teachers and students benefit from it.

An environment where technology is used in innovative ways leads to improved learning and teaching (Wishart &Blease, 1999).

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Since the IWB assignment has been uploaded, I could have a little time to respond to my visitor's comments on my blog. I'm so happy to know that Miss Ng has spent her time noticing the existance of my insignificant blog and "granted" me with such an intellectually challenging question. It was regarding my 7th blog bringing up the fact that we- learners / teachers need to be "pushed" in order to complete our work. Here, I'm not saying ALL learners (of course there are some of us who are willing work 24/7 to produce their best quality assignment) need to be "pushed" but I guess the majority does.

There is an urge for me to write up a blog here regarding to Miss Ng's question.
Her question is:
It is very common to see that a push is needed to make things going.
Is it because of the mentality?
Is it because of difference in aim?
Is it because of the students do not have a stake in it?
Can u answer these questions?

Well, I would love to sum this idea up as "PROCRASTINATION"
Procrastination – the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished.
According to a research done, it is estimated that 90% of college students procrastinate!

I think procrastination has become an "innate" habit / behaviour in us.
But why?
Here may be the few reasons. I shall discuss them relating to our recent IWB assignment.

Poor Time Management
There are a lot other assignments to be done in other courses till we do not have enough time to concentrate only on IWB.

Poor Distinction between Urgency and Priority
Too many assignments in hand, do not know which is supposed to be done first.

Lack of Relevance
IWB seem so unfamiliar to us, indirectly we do not feel the relevance of IWB in the teaching profession becuase practically we have not used it in the real classroom.

Difficulty Concentrating
There are many distractions outside. Eg. Sales everywhere. Yearn to go shopping. Great movies released. Indulge in dating. Homesick. Yearn to "balik kampung". etc.

Fear and Anxiety
Many of us do not know how to manipulate the smartboard. We feel scared and nervous. Having 0% idea to produce interactive and effective activities via IWB

Negative Beliefs
We think that we are not competent enough to be at the same level as the other coursemates who are ICT savvy. This makes us non-stop worrying and in the depressed condition rather than start exploring the IWB and cracking our heads to design activities. We are too preoccupied in worrying how difficult the assignment is rather than thinking what should be done to ease the pain.

Personal Problems
Health problems. Family problems. Relationship problems. Concentration cannot be focussed.

See Themselves as the Frustrated Victim
I guess I am one of the victim too. I was worrying all this while that I couldn't produce anything out of IWB. Fortunately, I was able to complete my work even though it might not be as "high tech" as my techno savvy coursemates'. No doubt, I'd spent too much time worrying and indulging in self pity rather than putting myself into action.

Well, I hope I could force myself to be focused and take immediate action once I received any assignments before it is too late. Wallowing in self pity doesn't help.

Honestly, I think students still need a "push" from the educators so as to make them feel stressed and start working. I believe a strict and firm educator can help to decrease the degree of procrastination among students.

Why are we being "pushed"? Because we "procrastinate".

Do I really answer the question?
I hope I do.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Just feel like writing a short blog regarding the majority issues discussed in the moodle forum. Lately, there are quite a number of questions posed and they are mostly regarding ICT.

-Is it effective?
-Is it able to enhance language proficiency?
-Is it wasting or saving time?
-What are the difficulties of using ICT?
-ICT for all.
-ICT competencies
-The relationship teacher readiness, pedagogical goals and resistance to smart teaching.

By analyzing the questions, I discovered that apparently many of us are facing difficulties in acquiring the skills of manipulating ICT and doubted on the effectiveness of ICT.

Well, I believe that"what we reap is what is sow".

In this era of technology, we have no way to escape from ICT. We might still insist on using the traditional teaching approaches that are effective and thinking that there is no necessity for us to adopt and adapt the knowledge and proficiency in using ICT in our teaching process.

But why are we resisting to allow ICT to become part of our teaching tool? This is due to
  • Unfamiliarity
  • laziness
  • Self-contentment
  • Unwillingness
  • Selfishness
In short, we-teachers are lacking the positive attitude in the teaching profession.

As teachers, we should constantly remind ourselves about the significance of:


Teachers are social engineers. We mould the younger generations. Without sufficient and more advanced knowledge,
  1. Are we able to lead our students to greater heights as aimed by the National Philosophy of Education?
  2. Are we able to cater to our learners' learning styles and preferences?
  3. Are we able to utilize a diversity of effective teaching strategies in the teaching & learning process?
  4. Are we competent and accountable in the education field?

As teachers, we should not remain static all the time. As globalization and development take place, there is a need for us to progress as well. We could see that technology has somehow "conquered" the world. We could see "technology" everywhere.

I think the journey to become a "techno savvy" teacher will never ever be easy, if we kept on perceiving ICT as something "strange" or"difficult" or "unnecessary".

We need to possess a positive attitude towards ICT. This is to indirectly motivate us to be more willing to attempt and explore ICT.

Sometimes, thinking too much can make things seem so complicated. We should be "simple-minded" & positive accepting that ICT is just another brand new tool invented to allow us to diversify our teaching strategies.

We just need to welcome ICT open handed and minded into our profession. Take the difficulties encountered as little bumps along the journey to our destination.

I think that even though we might have the competency of using ICT, but without the passion and willingness, we would never able to manipulate ICT to the maximum.

In my opinion, we teachers are not forced to solely use ICT in the teaching process by neglecting all the strategies that have been used over the past, but to use ICT to make our lessons more interesting, more varied and able to cater to the learners' different learning styles in this "techno era".

I've come across a journal regarding on "Attitudes and Perceived Information Technology
Competency among Teachers" at this website

pppjj.usm.my/mojit/.../Dec05/09 - attitudes_and_perceived[1]-final.pdf

"Although teachers are equipped with knowledge and skills in using computers, the success of implementing the new curriculum with information technology (IT) in education depends greatly upon the attitudes of the teachers and their willingness to embrace such technology. That being the case, teachers should possess not only IT knowledge and skills, but they must also have the right attitudes towards IT (Wong, 2002). "

Plain talking is always easy, but putting into action is always difficult.

A positive attitude?


It all depends on the teachers.

We cultivate the attitude.